The Mavam Way of Working
We aim to help people in a way that suits their particular needs and to facilitate opportunities for them to address issues that they find difficult and overwhelming.
The Mavam way of working is to recognise that we all have times in our life when we need help and that at these times we all need people who are prepared to ask us what is happening and how they can help. People who recognise our strengths and believe in our potential to turn things around.
For all of us, life’s problems challenge our thoughts and feelings, and our staff are trained and supported to be compassionate, thoughtful, constructive and resourceful in order to help people work through and resolve the challenges that they have. To respect and value difference and to take time to hear and understand people’s unique stories.
We provide our services cost effectively because we are flexible in the way that we support people, flexible in the way that we manage our staff teams and flexible in the use of and access to, accommodation and community facilities.
At the core of the Mavam Group we have the essential teams that enable all of our work to focus on the people we provide for. The Finance Team, the Administration Team and our People Centre Team. They work to support all of the companies within the Mavam Group, which means that they can focus on their main objective in helping the people that are referred to them.